Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Prosperity Gospel.

I love it when a man is willing to say the unpopular thing just because it's the right thing to be said. I have been to so many churches who preach that Jesus is some sort of luck charm and that Christians are recognized by their blessings. This is just not so. Christians are recognized by thier conviction over sin, the good fruit they bear and their activity in the will of God. Not by the clothes we wear, the cars we drive or the houses we live it. The fact is, all that glitters isn't gold.
Lord, may we truly be open to the true Gospel. Not the lies of health wealth and prosperity. You are all sustaining, all glorious and all we will ever need. I may never drive anything nicer than a nissan and I'm ok with that God. I just want you. All I want, all I desire is to bring praise to you. Teach me to do this. Tomorrow I have to go back to work. I need you so much to give me a holy perspective about work. I may not enjoy what I'm doing, but Lord, you provide and that is good enough. You have me where I'm at for a reason and I am happy to stay until you move me. Lord, you are in control. My life is yours to lead and direct. Please soften my heart to those I would normally overlook or dismiss. Help me to never be inconvenienced by someone in need.

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