Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thoughts on waiting.

Waiting is one of the hardest things for me to do. I'm not really the type of person who finds any use in waiting. I don't even like for other people to have to wait. But waiting is a part of life that I can not avoid. Since waiting seems to be a neccessary evil, I think it's important to know how to handle times of waiting in a positive way.
1. When waiting for something to happen or come about, it does no one any good to worry about what can not be changed. For example. When I put my lunch in the microwave this afternoon, I do no good by bending down to watch the food heat up through the little window in the microwave door. Me watching the food cook isn't going to speed up the proccess. In fact, I think you can get brain tumors by doing this. So, I will just wait. I'll do something else in the mean time like pour my drink or try to find the pizza cutter.
This kind of waiting is easy because we know when the waiting time is going to be over. When I hit 3:30 on the microwave I know it is going to be 3 minutes and 30 seconds before my food is ready.
2. Then there is waiting on something that doesn't have that definate time phrame. These are the circumstances that are most difficult to wait in. In my 27 years of waiting, I've found the following to be true. Worry, complaining and negativity do not speed up results. Neither do patience, cooperation and having a positive attitude, however the latter does allow for the waiting period to not be so miserable. So as I wait for answers, for change, for breakthroughs, I will wait with an expectant, positive and grateful attitude. I know God is doing something in my life and Romans 8:28 promises me that if I am faithful to the Lord and will focus on His will, it's all going to work out to be good in good time.

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